Services and Programs

New Jersey GASP is a nonprofit organization founded in 1974. Its programs support smoke-free air for nonsmokers and tobacco-free lives for children. The organization is recognized internationally as a leading resource for smoke-free policy initiatives. Our Tobacco Control Policy & Legal Resource Center provides technical assistance to legislators, policy makers, tobacco control advocates, the media, and the public-at-large. We provide consultations, media interviews, educational presentations, training sessions, and research results.

NJ GASP conducts research on tobacco control issues, and creates and archives unique and much-needed information on the emerging issues of smoke-free casinos, multi-unit housing, foster homes and college housing, outdoor venues such as playgrounds, parks and beaches, and smoke-free cars when children are present. We distribute results and other pertinent information to groups and individuals through conferences and mailings.

Our staff gathers and maintains all the best information we can find on tobacco control, especially on issues of local policy and legislation, in New Jersey and elsewhere. The NJ GASP website contains our position papers, fact sheets, and publications.

GASP maintains Action & News Alerts to notify our visitors of any impending news, activity or event.

GASP is funded by public and private grants, and membership donations.

Last update: 1/25/10