Our Role in Tobacco Control
New Jersey GASP plays a key leadership role in the pro-health, tobacco-free community in New Jersey, as well as on national and international levels. Participation includes:
- New Jersey Tobacco-free Community Partner with the New Jersey Department of Health's Office of Tobacco Control. GASP provides technical assistance and educational materials to respond to questions and issues on tobacco control.
- Tobacco-Free for a Healthy New Jersey, the 2011 statewide tobacco control effort under the New Jersey Department of Health's Office of Tobacco Control.
- Project Partner in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's Tobacco-Diabetes Integration Project since 2009 (as a tobacco-free community partner CDC grantee). GASP provides New Jersey-specific resource information on tobacco prevention and diabetes, and offer advocacy training modules on tobacco control advocacy to diabetes prevention partners. The Project is a partnership between the New Jersey State Department of Health and Human Services' Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program and its Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Controls Collaborative Chronic Disease, Health Promotion, and Surveillance Project. Project Partner New Jersey Department of Health's Office of Tobacco Control.
- New Jersey Breathes statewide smoke-free coalition (as a charter member; with logistical support provided by the Medical Society of New Jersey)
- Atlantic County Smokefree Air Coalition (as a charter member; community organization comprised of residents and workers of Atlantic County, and tobacco control advocates, who are concerned about the effects of secondhand smoke on casino workers and patrons)
- Tobacco Control Legal Consortium member (tobacco control legal resource centers collaborate to support tobacco control policy change, by giving advocates better access to either legal expertise or technical assistance)
- 2009 National Conference on Tobacco or Health (as co-chair of legal track sessions)
- Co-chair of "Legal Track" sessions for the 2009 National Conference on Tobacco or Health. See GASP library for list of our tobacco control presentations and white papers.
- STAT(Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco), a national organization
- The New Jersey State Commission on Smoking OR Health
- The New Jersey ASSIST (American Stop Smoking Intervention Study) Coalition of the National Cancer Institute, the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, and the American Cancer Society, New Jersey Division
- Consumers for Civil Justice
Last update: 3/9/11