12/15/12: Gambling and smoking do not necessarily go together.

Many in the casino industry claim there is a high correllation of smoking and gaming, but two non-tribal gaming facilities in New York, Aqueduct Racetrack and Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway, are currently the top two grossing racetrack with slot machines nationwide. Read a December 16, 2012 Philadelphia Inquirer article in which Karen Blumenfeld, GASP's Executive Director, is quoted:

"We're not really seeing the correlation where the [casino] industry has said that the only people that gamble smoke," Blumenfeld said. "Developers are bidding for licenses in Massachusetts for smoke-free casinos. That leads one to believe that they believe a smoke-free casino model will make them money."

Read more on our website about the Economic Impact of Smokefree Gaming.

Last update: 3/20/13