11/18/11: Ocean County YMCA becomes a complete tobacco free facility
Coinciding with the 36th annual Great American Smokeout, the Toms River YMCA facility extended its smokefree policy to its full property including 4 ballfields and the parking lot.
Earlier this year, the YMCA was the recipient of a federal CDC grant ACHIEVE, Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and Environmental change, which partners state and local health departments with organizations such as the YMCA to promote healthier environments in their communities. Leslie Terjesen, public information officer for the Ocean County Health Department, said going tobacco-free is important for an institution dedicated to the health of young people.
Helene Long, a tobacco treatment specialist at the Institute For Prevention with the St. Barnabas Healthcare System, said the Great American Smokeout is an annual opportunity to educate the public about the harm inflicted by smoking tobacco products.
Read more in this news article.
Last update: 11/22/11