6/18/09: S2151 passed the NJ Senate to ban the sale of novelty lighters

On June 18, S2151, which bans the sale of novelty lighters, passed the NJ Senate. Companion bill A3207 previously passed the Assembly. Both bills await the Governor's signature. The ban would cover novelty lighters that are designed to resemble any cartoon character, animal, musical instrument, toy, gun, watch, vehicle, food, or beverage or similar articles, or which play musical notes, have flashing lights, or have other entertaining features, with some exemptions, such as devices primarily used to ignite fuel for fireplaces or for charcoal or gas grills; or standard lighters that are printed or decorated with logos, labels, decals, or artwork, or heat shrinkable sleeves.

The police and fire officials can confiscate novelty lighters in violation. Up to $1,000 fine for 1st offense, up to $2,000 fine for subsequent offense. The Attorney General has enforcement powers under the consumer fraud act P.L.1960, c.39 (C.56:8-1 et seq.), to conduct investigations; to issue subpoenas and conduct hearings; and to seek and obtain injunctions in Superior Court.

Click here to read the bill.

Last update: 4/11/11