12/5/13: NYC hears testimony for bill banning electronic smoking devices indoors
On December 4, 2013, the NYC Council’s Health Committee held a hearing to collect testimony on a new bill that would ban the use of electronic smoking devices in public places and workplaces where smoking is currently banned. Many media outlets covered the hearing:
- CNBC’s interview of NYC Councilman Gennaro
- Gothamist newsclip that cites to GASP
- New York Times article, that quotes bill sponsor Councilman James Gennaro, and high school students from New York’s Reality Check who support the measure
- CBS news story from Channel 2 local news
- NJ.com article from the Star Ledger
- Mashable.com article.
Read GASP's white paper about electronic smoking devices or visit our webpage.
Last update: 12/6/13