2/19/10: Outdoor Smoking Ban legislation heard 2/18 by NJ Senate Health Committee
Three bills which would create 100% smokefree recreation areas on public property throughout the state were heard on 2/18 by the Senate Health Committee. The bills, S443, S889 and S669 may be consolidated and together would include parks, beaches, sports facilities, amusement parks and other recreational facilities. The Senate health committee was expected to vote 2/18, but the panel instead decided to hold the legislation as they clarify the definitions in the bill, and it's not known when a vote may be scheduled. The combined bill would amend the NJ SFAA.
Supporters who testified included Dr. Fred Jacobs, GASP Board President and chair of NJ Breathes; Dr. Marc Steinberg, Director, Mercer County Tobacco Dependence Program; Cindy Zipf, Executive Director of Clean Ocean Action; John Weber, East Coast Regional Manager of Surfrider Foundation; Ben Ross, Youth Advocate and Former State Chair, REBEL and two additional students from Atlantic County REBEL; Jeff Tittle from Sierra Club and Jennifer Sullivan from American Cancer Society.
Read more at GASP's Emerging Trends section on Outdoor Bans.
Last update: 4/11/11