2/22/11: New York City Mayor signs law making all NYC parks and recreation areas 100% smokefree.

On February 22, 2011, Mayor Bloomberg signed into law a ban on smoking at all city parks, including beaches, boardwalks and pedestrian plazas. The law takes effect in 90 days. Fines are up to $50 per offense. Read Mayor Bloomberg's press release and the NY Times article. On February 2, 2011, New York City's City Council voted to extend the city's smoking ban to outdoor recreational areas, which includes 1,700 public parks and 14 miles of public beaches. Specifically, the law covers "public parks, beaches, waters and land under water, pools, boardwalks, marinas, golf courses, playgrounds, recreation centers and and all other property, equipment, buildings and facilities now or hereafter under the jurisdiction, charge or control of the department of parks and recreation." Pedestrian plazas are also included, such as Times Square. A pedestrian plaza is defined as "an area designated by the department of transportation for use as a plaza located within the bed of a roadway, which may contain benches, tables, or other facilities for pedestrian use." City Council Speaker Christine Quinn says the new law will save lives and make New York a healthier place to live. Signs announcing the new ban will be posted within 90 days. Click here to read the new NYC smokefree parks law, and Health Committee's Report.

Last update: 4/11/11