2/11/11: U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) plans prohibiting e-cigarettes on airplanes.

In February 2011, DOT communicated in writing to New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg that the use of smokeless electronic cigarettes on airplanes is prohibited. The DOT plans to issue an official ban this spring 2011. According to the Associated Press, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the DOT has been informing airlines and the public that it interprets smoking regulations to include e-cigarettes. Senator Lautenberg wrote the 1987 law that banned smoking on airplanes; he asked the DOT to clarify the rule. In 2010, GASP requested Senator Lautenberg's office look into clarifying the 1987 law banning smoking on airlines, to have it apply to electronic smoking devices as well.

Last update: 4/11/11